Why Do People Divorce & Its Solution? By Astrologer Dr. Jayanta Goswami
September 29, 2021

Why do people divorce? Not only for one time but also it can be two or three !! A person thing that he/she is not adjustable or sometimes call them as Manglik. Is it the only reason? Let’s see.
Combinations Indicating For Divorce
- The sun in the seventh place in your horoscope is considered bad for marital happiness. There will be some frequent ego clashes between the couple.
- If the Sun and Moon are in conjunction and in good aspect to other planets, happiness world results in the marital life.
- The ruler of the Navamsha is any benefit- particularly the lord of 7th of the natal chart then he never gets an obedient and faithful wife.
- If Saturn is placed in the 7th house one gets a bad wife or bad husband.
- Sun is connected with some malefic planets either in chart or in navamansha with Aquarius ascendant, the native’s spouse can never be in likeable nature.
- If Venus is hemmed between eighth and fourth or eighth in the house the native’s spouse commits suicide.
- The lord of Lagna be aspected by Saturn and sixth lord and the seventh lord be having a sixth – eighth relationship, divorce is the result- the reason being enemies polluting the minds of the two spouses.
- Saturn in Lagna and Lord of the Lagna & the 12th be from 12th from each other and the lords of the 7th or 8th be aspecting each other. Such natives face as much disturbance in the married life as to force them to seek separation.

In this chart Saturn the Lagna lord posited in the Lagna is 12th from 12th lord Jupiter and the lords of the 7th and 8th aspect each other. This fellow divorced his wife 10 years of their marriage. The combination is fully applicable in this case.
Like these combinations, there are several other combinations. If anyone is facing any issue related to any marital or divorce I am one call away.
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