Genuine Astrologer in Kolkata, Mumbai & Delhi – Dr. Jayanta Goswami
September 28, 2021

A genuine astrologer practices real astrology which demonstrates that celestial bodies exert a definite influence overall organic life on earth. He can reveal the characteristics of an individual, his positive and negative traits, success and failures, position etc. Thus he helps an individual to understand himself, his family and friends. In a nutshell, a good astrologer points out the potentialities, capabilities and limitations of an individual.

An astrologer is not only an astrologer but he has to be a scientist also a philosopher, for it seeks to show that each and every human being has an appointed or preordained destiny to fulfil. It is from the horoscope an astrologer can actually determine the character of the native.
Genuine Astrologer and Astronomy
A genuine astrologer has to practice astronomy, in fact, more than astronomy. As astronomy seeks to trace the relationship between planets and stars. Whereas astrologer also traces how a star affects a human.
An individual’s horoscope does contain the information that may enable an astrologer to forecast the exact period of time. This is a wonderful and useful aspect of an astrologer. Also, an astrologer makes an accurate study of the position and interrelationship of the stars and planets.
The difference between Indian Astrologer and western astrologer is that Indian astrologer tries to results or occurrence based on the Karma of an individual. Whereas Western astrologer focussed on characteristics and self-improvement of the individuals.