When You Got Married?- Best & Famous Marriage Astrologer
September 29, 2021

IN the olden period marriages used to be solemnized very early but now early marriage time means marrying before 20-22 and late marriage means post 30 years of age.
Given Below the Combination for early and delay marriage time.
- If the lord of the 1st or 7th having position or aspect of benefic planets-particularly Jupiter, the native will get married early.
- If the lord of 7th and lord of Lagna be placed in adjoining or in the houses, not 45 degrees apart from them. Such natives have their marriages solemnized during their childhood through they may enjoy conjugal bliss only after attaining puberty.
- If the lord of the Lagna be powerful and placed in the 2nd house, such natives get married even without their being conscious though they may lead a happy married life.
- If the 7th lord be weak or afflicted and Saturn and Mars be placed together in 1st, 2nd, 7th or 11th house, the native normally marries after 36 years of age.
- If Venus is in the 7th house in Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn and Moon plus Saturn be together in 1st, 2nd, 7th, 11th house, the native may marry after 32 years.
- If the 7th lord is associated with Saturn or with Saturn and Venus both or be aspect by Venus. The native will marry beyond 30.
- If the Moon is 7th from Venus, Mercury be 7th from the Moon and the 8th lord is in the 5th, the native may marry thrice: first marriage at 10 years, second at 22 years, and third at 34 years.
- Ancient astrologers have generally assessed the possible age of marriage on the basis on their study of the 7th lord If the 7th lord is Sun; the male native marries at 28, female at 29; if moon-22,2. If Mars -18,16, if Mercury-32,30: if Jupiter- 22, if Venus-20,18, if Saturn- 36,34.

This is a very long and tedious process and without the consultation with me, the real “Time” may not be ascertained. www.jayantagoswami.in/blog
To Book your Appointment with Famous Marriage Astrologer Dr. Jayanta Goswami please call 9830691553