Predicting Your Education- Famous, Top & Best Astrologer Near me- Dr. Jayanta Goswami
September 28, 2021

Certain houses and their significators, especially mercury and Jupiter are taken into consideration regarding education. Jupiter signifies knowledge and wisdom whereas Mercury intelligence. The 4th house in a horoscope signifies education; the 5th, intelligence and memory, the 2nd, speech and 9th is fortune or education in astrology.
Planets occupying the 4th house, those aspecting the 4th house, the lord of the 4th house. The Navamsa occupied by the lord of 4th house and significators of the 4th house is all considered for predicting the educational level of the native.
Combination for higher education in astrology:
- A strong and unaffiliated mercury
- Jupiter is posited in a quadrant or trine, and Venus is in her exaltation sign
- Mercury or Venus is situated in the 4th
- Jupiter is placed in the 5th or 9th house from the moon and Mars is in 5th or 9th house from mercury.
- The lord of the 4th house is posited in the 4th house and aspected by or conjoined with benefic planets
- Jupiter occupies the 2nd house from the moon, while the lords of the 2nd and 4th houses are in the 9th Etc…
Combinations for ordinary education in astrology:
- An afflicted and weak mercury
- The lord of the 2nd house together with mercury and Jupiter occupies the 6th 8th or 12th house.
- The lord of the 4th house occupies the 6th, 8th, or 12th house.
- The lord of the 4th house, together with mercury and Jupiter occupies the 6th, 9th and 12th house.
- The lord of the 5th house, together with mercury and Jupiter occupies the 6th 8th or 12th house.
This is a very long and tedious process and without the consultation, the real “Time” may not be ascertained.