Kalsarpa Yoga- Astrologer in Durgapur & Hooghly
September 29, 2021

Is Kalsarpa Yoga deadliest, is it fatal, it is lethal? There are many misconception is associated with this topic.
This misconception leads to distress of mind. Here I, Dr Jayanta Goswami shall elaborately describe this topic.
Is it really so? The answer is NO. Here I will elaborately describe what is kalsarpa Yoga and how it will affect us and what will be the layout?
The literal meaning of this yoga is “serpent of Time” because Kal here means cosmic time and Sarpa means serpent or something that is poisonous.
Generally, this yoga is formed when all the seven planetes are confined between Rahu and Ketu. There are two ways to happen :-
- When the planets are trapped between Rahu and Ketu as shown in Chart 1. The planets are normally moving directly, whereas the nodes are always moving in retrograde, so in this case, the planets seem to move into The Rahu. This type of yoga is called Udit Golaardh.
- When the Planets lie between Rahu and Ketu as shown in Chart 2. Here planets seem to go away from Rahu. This type of yoga is called Annudit Golaardh.

Now the question arises what will be the result of kalsarpa dosh on the native.
- The ascendant lord, Sun and Moon carry special importance in the chart. A good position of all these gives strength to the chart and hence to the personality of the native.I, personally first assess these constituents and only then conclude whether under the influence if an adverse Kalsarpa Yoga, the native will be ruined or will get through successfully.
- The presence of other positive factors in a chart like exalted planets, planets posited in their own or friendly signs and planets aspecting their own houses etc, give overall strength to the chart and greatly help in reducing the malefic effect due to an inauspicious yoga.
- This yoga formes in the 3rd 6th or 11th house is considered favourable as it does not cause much harm and in 9th house is also not harmful.
There are various types of Kalsarpa Yoga. Basically there are 12 types.
Annant Yoga, Kulik Yoga, Vasuki Yoga, Shankhpaal Yoga, Padam Yoga, Mahapadam Yoga, Takshak Yoga, Karkotak Yoga, Shankchod Yoga, Ghatak Yoga, Vishdhar Yoga and finally Sheshnaag Yoga.
Remedial Measure: There are various remedial measure can be taken care of. But I prefer to go to Kamakhya Temple (State: Assam) or at Tarapith Temple (State: West Bengal). I personally visit these place very often and do require Yogya to get rid of this yoga.
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Some of my other contents http://www.jayantagoswami.in/my-video/astrology/